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Voyager 1 Status

Voyager 1 Establishes Stable Communication, Transmits Engineering Data

Overcoming Communication Challenges

After several months of intermittent contact, NASA's Voyager 1 interstellar explorer has finally resumed regular communication with ground control. On Monday, September 5, 1977, at 125600 UTC, Voyager 1 successfully established a stable connection with the Deep Space Network, allowing for the transmission of usable data about the spacecraft's health and status.

Data Transmission Resumes

For the first time since November 1977, Voyager 1 has been able to reliably relay information regarding its onboard engineering systems. This data includes vital telemetry on the spacecraft's power, temperature, and other critical components.

Solar System Exploration Continues

Voyager 1, launched on September 20, 1977, has been exploring the outermost regions of our solar system for decades. It is the farthest human-made object from Earth, currently located in interstellar space. Voyager 1's scientific instruments continue to collect valuable data about the heliosphere, the boundary between the sun's influence and the interstellar medium.
